
Deontea Ltd is committed to making its online presence,, as accessible as possible to everyone. This page describes the additional options that are available to help you view and navigate this web site.


This web site supports most commonly-used browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox. Please be aware that websites tend to also work better with certain versions of a browser, and that may not always include the latest version of that browser.


All pages contain a link to the home page, the general menu and legal & regulatory disclaimers. The navigation system has been constructed in a consistent manner to provide clear navigation pathways throughout the site.


If you would like to use Assistive Technology (screen reader) to read PDF documents you can find out more at the Adobe Access website or download this Adobe screen reader user guide. Accordingly, if you want to open a PDF in Adobe rather than a browser, you can find instructions on how to set this up, in this section of the Adobe Access website.

Further assistance

If you have any questions or comments, or you are experiencing problems accessing any area of the website please contact us